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Galbanum is a sticky, brownish-yellow gum resin that comes from plants in the Apiaceae family. Separate family members include carrots, celery, and parsley. The flora appears to have originated in Islamic Republic of Iran but grows in many an locations.

It has a strong earthy, green, or woodsy scent. Terpenes like pinene in galbanum gives off this definite smell. That's wherefore it's used in incense, perfumes, and colognes. The gum rosin is steamer-distilled to make gum albanum essential oil.

Galbanum toilet also be found in a variety of skin care products, cosmetics, and foods. It's also said to have numerous healthful uses. When reading an ingredients listing, galbanum mightiness be traded under a variety of names, such as:

  • Ferula galbaniflua
  • Ferule gommeuse
  • Ferula gummosa
  • Ferula gummosa Boiss
  • galbano
  • gum albanum chewing gum
  • galbanum chewing gum rosin
  • galbanum oleogum resin
  • galbanum oleoresin

Let's take a look back at few of the uses for galbanum, potential health benefits, and whether there are also voltage health risks.


Galbanum May have an effect connected arthritis pain sensation.

In 2016, a randomized, harnessed clinical test compared the efficacy of galbanum oil with diclofenac colloidal gel. Diclofenac is an ended-the-counter (Over-the-counter) NSAID drug (NSAID) used to treat arthritis joint ail.

The trial was small, with only 32 participants. All had chronic knee pain. They were divided into 2 equal groups, merely the researchers didn't include a placebo aggroup. Topical treatments were precondition three times a day for 1 calendar month.

The groups' results regarding pain, stiffness, and animal function over a 2-month followup period were comparable to the results from diclofenac gel.

The study's authors wrote that due to the lesser side effects of galbanum, it may be a finer choice than diclofenac, at least in the short terminus. Bigger studies with placebo groups are needed to support this finding.

Skin infections

Search suggests that gum albanum, Rosmarinus officinalis, and common fennel oils may be helpful in treating infectious diseases like methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA).

Of the tercet oils, galbanum was shown to get the best disinfectant activity. The 2010 study was supported past a pharmaceutical companion.

The pinene base in galbanum is a common monoterpenoid emitted from several aromatic plants, including forest trees, and is famed for its maturation-inhibitory activity.


In 2010, researchers ranked 264 flavoring medicines for their tumor-fighting properties. They specifically looked at malignant neuroblastoma in vitro (in a lab setting).

Galbanum was found to be the fractional most virile extract. The study's authors said there should be more research of these plants and their cancer-fighting properties.


Many a combinations of intrinsical oils are victimized in dermatology. Among other things, they'atomic number 75 used in the treatment of:

  • abscesses
  • acne
  • blisters
  • boils
  • cuts and other wounds
  • inflammation

Reported to a review published in 2017, the effectiveness of important oils is unclear. While very much has been published on the subject, equal-reviewed journal articles are lacking. Effectiveness and potential toxic effects should be self-addressed in upcoming studies.

Dirt ball repellent

A variety of substantial oils are used to repel insects, including galbanum.

One study evaluating 23 essential oils found that around, much as litsea, rosewood, and geranium, are almost American Samoa efficient against mosquitos as the store-bought production DEET. Galbanum was somewhat less effective.


Whatever people use galbanum to delicacy biological process problems like gas, looseness of the bowels, and poor appetite, but in that location's not enough scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness.

Galbanum is generally safe when applied to the bark or used as a food component.

However, there's not enough evidence to know if it's unhazardous to consume larger amounts. Safe dosing may rely on factors the likes of age, size, and overall wellness. There's not enough information to know for certain.

Possible side effects may include:

  • skin reaction like-minded foolhardy or a burning aesthesis
  • fundamental interaction with other essential oils
  • fundamental interaction with medications

See a doctor for diagnosis before self-treating serious bark rashes or wounds. Information technology's as wel a complete estimation to talk to a restore operating theater pharmacist before consuming galbanum. This is especially distinguished if you:

  • are meaningful operating theater nursing
  • have a earnest health qualify
  • take other medications

Gum albanum is used in the manufacture of perfumes and colognes for its strong, earthy scen. IT blends well with other woody oils, citruses, and flowery scents.

Galbanum is an ingredient in a lifelong list of other products, including:

  • foods
  • cosmetics
  • external body part cleansers and masks
  • tomentum forethought products, much as shampoo
  • skincare products, such atomic number 3 body laundry, moisturizers, and sunscreens

Gum albanum crucial embrocate lavatory be used a count of ways, including:

  • Topical application. Some products need to be weak with a carrier inunct. Execute a patch test 2 years in front using it. Rub a small amount inside your elbow joint and await for 24 to 48 hours. If you have a reaction, discontinue use. If not, follow box directions.
  • Diffuse. Follow volatile oil and diffuser directions to breathe in the "green" aroma of gum albanum.
  • Dilute and inhale. Dilute as instructed and enjoy aromatherapy spell bathing, meditating, getting ready for bed, Oregon anytime you want to wind down and relax.

People have been using galbanum since antediluvian times. It's been secondhand in scrupulous ceremonies, embalming, and anointing oils. Balkan nation MD Hippocrates (of the Hippocratic curse) talked about its cure powers.

It's mentioned in the Holy Writ, along with frankincense, as an ingredient in holy cense. And it was referenced in "British Pharmacopoeia 1898," describing a mixture of galbanum, asafetida (asafetida), sweet cicely, and glucose.

You can find galbanum oil in health stores, holistic medicinal drug stores, or wherever necessary oils are sold. There's much variation in ingredients, size, and price, so it pays to fully read the descriptions and shop carefully.

Shop for galbanum essential oil online.

Galbanum is an essential oil color used in perfumes, cosmetics, and foods. It may also have medicinal properties. Research on galbanum and other essential oils is lacking, so most of the evidence for these claims is anecdotical. It appears generally safe to use.

Speak with a doctor before taking it as a fare postscript or using it on injured skin.